Broken heart
i thought i saw the pieces shatter,
i thought i heard the words rumbled out like a rumpled bedsheet,
broken heart, i saw trembling water freeze like ice,
i saw summer turn winter in the blink of an eye,
in an instance, i saw her wet eyes like those of the skies,
and then heavy eyes, like the clouds they remained,
then fell down the heights like the rain from a thousand miles,
in time, i saw her turn yellow from green, and then turn gray,
and hit the ground like a leaf off a tree before winter,
rumbling and grumbling silently like thunder behind the clouds,
quietly loud,
hurt was her broken heart, yes, i saw her,
as she laid her head down, and asked why, lord, why,
and got up without an answer, and stumbled upon her broken heart,
in the hands of the man who had turn it apart,
and yes, i saw her give him what was left of her heart, her broken heart,
and then, i saw him give her back what was her’s,
but then i saw him give up what was he’s for her to have,
i saw her smile, i saw them, both smiled,
and what was broken became a circle…