Tag Archive: lost

In the pool of ego,
talents don’t swim,
they drown,
in the pool of humility,
talents are never lost,
they are found…

I have to be what I am
to be what I will be,
I have to wither through winter,
to blossom in spring,
I have to feel pain,
to know what joy is,
I had to get lost
to be found,
I had to be put to shame
to never want to loose my pride again,
I had to get out of my nest,
to know how being free really feels,
I had to shed tears
to make every smile last longer,
I needed to travel
to see the world at large,
I needed to fight for my right
to gain what was rightfully mine,
I didn’t need to be conquered
to know how sweet victory really is,
and I didn’t need to look for anything other than peace
to know how crippling war can really be,
and through life,
I continue to learn,
learning all I can
to know that I know little of everything,
and I continue to do,
doing all I can
to make sure tomorrow is brighter than the last,
looking back on every yesterday’s
with the sole purpose of never making the same mistakes,
and looking forward to tomorrows,
with the sole desire of going further and further
with hope in my mind,
and to work with these hands…

Finding or being a success
as they say, is a journey,
you have to walk the talk,
and sometimes, even, talk the walk,
through it all,
you’d sometimes meet others
who have reached their destination,
and you might be tempted,
to sit, eat, laugh,
while standing still,
and dream of tomorrow from the now,
that tomorrow starts right now,
or perhaps even, is now already,
not realizing,
that your definition of success
is not the destination of someone’s else,
hence, one might end up not realizing their full potential,
but sharing not just the half baked success of another, but even the belief
that this is all they can achieve,
that their height of success has been reached,
when the truth is,
like a finger,
not all individuals are equal,
and neither are even the unequal equally fast
or slow,
successful occasions are sometimes rare,
and sometimes as well
scattered everywhere,
and on some, you will get there before,
and on some, others will get there before you,
yet, while it might take one a day to get there and forever to get past,
it might take you longer to get where they are, but even shorter to get past,
for although a journey makes one who they are,
it is also the knowledge of who they will be that drives them to go further
to be who they truly see themselves as inside,
take this wisdom,
to sit, dine, and laugh
with another,
for the company or friendship
makes a journey pleasing,
but never lost sight of your own definition of success,
nor make someone loose sight of their’s,
for it is the only map that can show us where we are,
and where we truly want to be…

her hair as long as her winter,
her thrill as unique as her wind,
The old town,
her size, perhaps,
same as her summer,
you’ll get lost in its exciting nights,
and still not want to be found
in the morning…

Round and round
and all about i couldn´t find you,
i thought you were lost
until i found out i´d lost you…

Switch on the lights
in this dark heart of mine,
show me love like i’ve never felt,
give me something that will make my ice melt,
for i have this rock in my chest,
i have this block in my head,
rocking me back and forth
away from love,
and blocking me
from seeing love as real,
thus, you come and you go,
even if you stay here with me,
and lie beside me,
my eyes only are open to the sight of you,
but not my heart’s,
for like a lost sight,
thought the eyes are open,
they see not that which is called love,
and so know not how to show such,
but please rescue me
if you love me,
for if love can’t rescue me,
what else could ever will?